Mikropolis Festival

Copyright Reason To

Μikropolis was launched in 2010 and is a unique and innovative initiative of Reason To.

Mikropolis is the largest social awareness festival for children aged 5-12 and their parents. It is an original event with the primary goal of educating the citizens of tomorrow through play and experiential activities.

Mikropolis informs, educates, entertains and sensitizes both children and adults. With the participation and involvement of more than 40 prominent organizations, museums, publishing houses as well as artistic and entertaining groups, thousands of children and parents come from various parts of Greece to transform Mikropolis into the largest festival of social awareness.

Centered around acquiring knowledge and raising awareness on topics related to culture, society, family and science, Mikropolis promotes values and instills in children’s minds the concept of being responsible and active citizens.

Focusing on the acquisition of knowledge and awareness on issues related to culture, society, family and science, Mikropolis promotes values and strengthens in children’s minds the concept of proper active citizenship.
